Support for Managers Who Are Now Managing Their Teams Remotely
By Audrey Roofeh
Before starting Mariana Strategies in 2017, I took my last position as a senior manager at a nonprofit. My job was to manage teams responsible for building tech solutions that increased access to civil justice (imagine turbo tax type forms for a divorce, or the websites where you can find out about legal aid in your state). I thought, no problem, I can manage these teams remotely. OH SURE. It wasn’t easy even without a public health crisis.
Now that managers around the world are facing the need to guide their distributed teams we’re sharing resources like this set of 8 recommendations for getting started on managing your remote teams, and hosting a webinar to talk through key tips and tricks to build more efficient communication structure, have effective meetings and keep your team running smoothly during these challenging times. You can sign up here for the webinar we’re hosting on Thursday, March 19 at 12:30pm ET, and reach out if you need more in-depth help.