Bystander intervention skills help prevent and address conflicts at work

This course focuses on communication skills, bystander intervention, and implementation of strategy to tackle thorny issues in the workplace.

We'll look at how to have challenging one to one conversations, and touch on power dynamics, changing workplace relationships, and more.

Does your workplace training measure effectiveness?

Ours does.

A Data-Driven Approach

To assess the effectiveness of the training, we measure knowledge and behaviors before and after the workshop:

  • Pre-workshop data establishes a baseline, identifying knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.

  • Post-workshop data measures knowledge gains, shifts in attitudes, and changes in planned behavior.

  • Ongoing tracking allows your organization to evaluate whether training leads to meaningful, long-term cultural improvements.

A focus on data supports sustained behavior change by identifying trends, reinforcing positive behaviors to create a safer, more respectful work environment.

What Our Bystander Intervention and Speak-Up Culture Course Covers - And How We Do It:


  • 90 minutes (live) plus 30 minutes asynchronous content

  • Facilitated live by an expert

  • Activities, breakouts, and more interactive content

Speaking Up as a Bystander

  • Communicating expectations for behavior, whether as a bystander or as someone experiencing harassment or microaggressions at work

Strategies for Holding a Challenging Conversation

  • Review of strategy, practice and takeaways for addressing problems at work


  • Impact of our actions doesn’t always match our intent

  • How do we address the harm caused when we say or do something that hurts another person? How do we build stronger relationships and teams?

Post Workshop Support

  • Materials that reinforce learning by email

  • Reminders on crucial communications skills

  • Strategies to use to address, rather than avoid, conflict

Our Bystander Intervention Workshops Builds Your Skills

  • Understanding the difference between impact and intent of our actions, and taking responsibility when we cause harm;

  • Using bystander intervention strategies to speak up at work;

  • Developing empathy and other EQ skills for challenging conversations; and

  • Building a strategy they can use to approach any challenging conversation

Why Should Your Team Build Bystander Intervention Skills?

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) underscores the significance of bystander intervention in preventing workplace harassment. In its 2016 report, the EEOC highlighted that bystander intervention training educates employees to recognize and address potentially problematic behaviors, fostering a collective sense of responsibility. This approach empowers workers to actively prevent harassment, contributing to a culture where such conduct is not tolerated.

Further emphasizing this, the EEOC's "Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment" recommends that employers implement bystander intervention training as part of a comprehensive strategy to prevent and address harassment. This training equips employees with the skills and confidence to intervene when they witness inappropriate behavior, thereby promoting a respectful and inclusive workplace.

By integrating bystander intervention training, organizations can proactively address and reduce instances of workplace harassment, aligning with the EEOC's guidance on fostering safe and equitable work environments.