Biases can impact our decision making for the worse. Learn how to recognize and undermine your biases.
Real change happens when we teach people to mitigate their biases, change their behavior, and track their progress.
Does your workplace training measure effectiveness?
Ours does.
A Data-Driven Approach
To assess the effectiveness of the training, we measure knowledge and behaviors before and after the workshop:
Pre-workshop data establishes a baseline, identifying knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.
Post-workshop data measures knowledge gains, shifts in attitudes, and changes in planned behavior.
Ongoing tracking allows your organization to evaluate whether training leads to meaningful, long-term cultural improvements.
A focus on data supports sustained behavior change by identifying trends, reinforcing positive behaviors to create a safer, more respectful work environment.
What Our Undermining Bias Course Covers - And How We Do It:
120 minutes (live) plus 30 minutes asynchronous content
Facilitated live by an expert
Activities, breakouts, and more interactive content
Customized content reflecting your company’s policies
How Anti-Bias Learning Supports Inclusive Culture
Awareness of biases and support for action to undermine biases
The research on biases and other cognitive shortcuts and how they impact our decision making
Types of Biases at Work
Understanding affinity, confirmation, anchoring, and conformity biases as well as affect heuristics, using examples and discussions
Post Workshop support
Materials that reinforce learning by email
Reminders on behaviors that undermine biases
Strategies for developing awareness of bias in action
Our Anti-Bias Workshops Build Your Skills
Developing self-awareness for biases and how they impact us
Practicing strategies that actively undermine bias
Implementing growth mindset activities to re-wire neural pathways