Build Shared Norms to Elevate Workplace Culture
Shared norms for conversations about DEI can be the difference between silence and life-changing growth.
Inclusion requires people with tools to hold conversations about topics that they might be afraid to talk about - from the experience of exclusion to how power dynamics affect the ability to speak up.
By setting shared norms for these conversations, we can add a crucial skill to the workforce that reinforces psychological safety and enables individuals to relate to one another at work.
What Our Shared Norms Course Covers - And How We Do It:
90 minutes (live) plus 30 minutes asynchronous content
Facilitated live by an expert
Activities, breakouts, and more interactive content
Why Do We Need Shared Norms for Challenging Conversations?
We know people are affected by racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and more. Do we ignore the harm when it impacts us at work, or do we develop a strategy to address them, meaningfully? How do you introduce challenging topics? How do you make sure people aren’t alienated and then decide not to participate?
Review of elements that can be charged to discuss at work, acknowledging the effects of experience of microaggressions, harassment, and other harms.
Tools You Can Use
Creating tools in the workshop that we’re able to apply right away
Which Norms Matter
Review of a series of concepts to apply in practice for conversations around DEI and related topics
Connection between Emotional Intelligence and Shared Norms
Reviewing elements of emotional intelligence and incorporating them into a strategy for DEI conversations at work
Post Workshop support
Materials that reinforce learning by email
Reminders on behaviors that reinforce expectations
Our Shared Norms Workshops Builds Your Skills
Learning how norms build or chip away at inclusion;
Cultivating norms that build inclusion on our teams in and in our workplace;
Ensuring that individuals with different levels of familiarity with these topics can have a facilitated dialogue for growth.