Build Shared Norms to Elevate Workplace Culture

Shared norms for conversations about inclusion can be the difference between silence and life-changing growth.

Inclusion requires people with tools to hold conversations about topics that they might be afraid to talk about - from the experience of exclusion to how power dynamics affect the ability to speak up.

By setting shared norms for these conversations, we can add a crucial skill to the workforce that reinforces psychological safety and enables individuals to relate to one another at work.

Does your workplace training measure effectiveness?

Ours does.

A Data-Driven Approach

To assess the effectiveness of the training, we measure knowledge and behaviors before and after the workshop:

  • Pre-workshop data establishes a baseline, identifying knowledge gaps and areas for improvement.

  • Post-workshop data measures knowledge gains, shifts in attitudes, and changes in planned behavior.

  • Ongoing tracking allows your organization to evaluate whether training leads to meaningful, long-term cultural improvements.

A focus on data supports sustained behavior change by identifying trends, reinforcing positive behaviors to create a safer, more respectful work environment.

What Our Shared Norms Course Covers - And How We Do It:


  • 120 minutes (live) plus 30 minutes asynchronous content

  • Facilitated live by an expert

  • Activities, breakouts, and more interactive content

Why Do We Need Shared Norms for Challenging Conversations?

  • We know people are affected by racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and more. Do we ignore the harm when it impacts us at work, or do we develop a strategy to address them, meaningfully? How do you introduce challenging topics? How do you make sure people aren’t alienated and then decide not to participate?

  • Review of elements that can be charged to discuss at work, acknowledging the effects of experience of microaggressions, harassment, and other harms.

Tools You Can Use

  • Creating tools in the workshop that we’re able to apply right away

Which Norms Matter

  • Review of a series of concepts to apply in practice for conversations around inclusion and related topics

Connection between Emotional Intelligence and Shared Norms

  • Reviewing elements of emotional intelligence and incorporating them into a strategy for DEI conversations at work

Post Workshop support

  • Materials that reinforce learning by email

  • Reminders on behaviors that reinforce expectations

Our Shared Norms Workshops Builds Your Skills

  • Learning how norms build or chip away at inclusion;

  • Cultivating norms that build inclusion on our teams in and in our workplace;

  • Ensuring that individuals with different levels of familiarity with these topics can have a facilitated dialogue for growth.