“[W]hat leaders say and do makes up to a 70% difference as to whether an individual reports feeling included.”

- Juliet Bourke and Andrea Titus, “The Key to Inclusive Leadership,” Harvard Business Review, March 6, 2020.

Diversity isn't effective without inclusion. Building inclusive culture requires self-analysis, measurable action and accountability.

DEI initiatives are only successful with leadership commitment, and that commitment is a personal one.

What Our Inclusive Leadership Course Covers - And How We Do It:


  • 90 minutes (live) plus 30 minutes asynchronous content

  • Facilitated live by an expert

  • Activities, breakouts, and more interactive content

Introduction to Inclusive Leadership

  • Review of elements of inclusion; impact on the workplace

  • Emotional intelligence skills you will rely on

  • Principles of change management and your role in DEI success

Subtleties of Inclusion and Exclusion

  • Recognizing harmful behavior including bullying, abuse, microaggressions and other forms of harassment, being able to take the temperature of a group

  • Building relationships with team members to understand how individuals experience engagement and inclusion


  • How to identify our own strengths and areas of growth in inclusive leadership

  • Learning to handle complaints that come to you (about you or others)  

Post Workshop support

  • Materials that reinforce learning by email

  • Reminders on behaviors that reinforce respect at work

  • Strategies for addressing challenging behavior

Our Inclusive Leadership Workshops Builds Your Skills

  • Communicating in a way that prioritizes building trust and respect on our teams and improving collaboration with our colleagues;

  • Building the emotional intelligence of groups

  • Identifying our own strengths and areas of growth in inclusive leadership