Why Civility in The Workplace Matters (And What It Has to Do with Harassment)
By Audrey Roofeh
Trainings on harassment seem to divide people into two camps. The first camp are those who think "I don't harass. This doesn't apply to me. Can I please get back to my desk?" The second camp includes those who don't expect entrenched behaviors to change much with a training, and definitely not one that just insists on what not to do.
That's why civility and respect in the workplace matters. Everyone cares about being in a workplace where they feel they're respected by their colleagues, and that civil behavior is the norm. In a workshop on harassment, it's important to share what to do, not just what not to do. Building a shared language and culture around expectations of civility and respect helps set those expectations. Additionally, when civility and respect are built into a workplace culture, individuals can more easily discuss issues of behavior that may be habitual and unconsidered, but that some find offensive.
So what would be on a list of civil workplace behaviors? You can download a one page infographic of some ways to practice civility in your workplace by clicking here. Civility is a great place to start to build an intentional workplace culture, but it doesn't end there. The topics included here can also be a useful starting point for diving into your needs on interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, negotiation, inclusivity, equity and more.
If you're looking to start with a civility workshop to tackle harassment issues, don't hesitate to reach out.