#MeToo Roundup - Getting to the Bottom of the Gender Gap
By Audrey Roofeh
In this #MeToo Roundup, we’re looking at causes and solutions for the Gender Gap, how bystander intervention training prevents harassment, what the costs are to businesses and individuals when sexual harassment happens in the workplace, and the most recent EEOC public hearing on strategies for preventing workplace sexual harassment.
Women in the Workplace 2018 - LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Co. published results of research into the data of 279 companies and surveys of over 64,000 workers on their workplace experiences and came away with recommendations on ending ‘onlyness’ and fostering respectful and inclusive workplace cultures, among other suggestions.
Sexual Harassment and Assault at Work: Understanding the Costs - The Institute for Women’s Policy Research published a report outlining the costs of workplace harassment - both to businesses and to individuals, and looked at which work situations present an increased risk of sexual harassment and assault.
EEOC Hearing on Sexual Harassment Prevention Strategies - Boards holding executives responsible for preventing harassment. Harassment prevention trainings created by and for women working in maintenance in California, and the grassroots efforts they started. How building respectful workplaces cuts back harassment. The EEOC does exemplary work highlighting how we can create real change in American workplaces. This is one public hearing you don’t want to miss. (And for more, this page has links to the written testimony of the presenters).
To Combat Harassment, More Companies Should Try Bystander Training - Brigid Schulte in HBR writes about bystander training and how it gives people the tools to speak up when they see inappropriate behavior, resets norms within a workplace about what’s acceptable and what’s not, and creates shared expectations for behavior. It’s a big change from the ‘awareness and analysis’ types of harassment training that clearly haven’t worked.