DEIA Assessment and Reporting
Starting cost: $12,500 (up to 50 users)
Our assessments use a mixed-methods design (survey + listening sessions) to capture perceptions about workplace inclusion from all organizational members and are a fundamental starting point for DEIA work. The survey instrument uses evidence-based items that measure baseline data to identify strengths and opportunities, inform tailored action plans, and track progress on priority areas for the organization to address.
Employee Survey
A confidential, standardized survey, including items addressing factors of: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Exclusion, and Organizational Culture. Measures have been thoroughly vetted for reliability and validity against the latest social science research. Surveys include semi-customizable demographic items to examine group differences and qualitative items to capture experiences not covered by scaled items.
Listening Sessions
Focus group-style listening sessions are administered as an opportunity to discuss in more detail what is working well with DEIA in the workplace culture, current pain points and overall goals and concerns regarding this work. Information is used to highlight and shed further insight into quantitative results.
Results and Reporting
Mariana Strategies will create a detailed report of assessment results including: an executive summary, overall item-by-item data, and demographic breakdowns of item scores. Qualitative responses from the survey as well as the listening sessions are summarized by theme, with highlights used to further illustrate quantitative data in the executive summary. Three results presentations are included: HR Preview, Executive team, and Organization-wide. These will include a summary of reporting methodology, key strengths and opportunities, a thorough review of findings, and expert analysis of key areas of focus and recommendations.